Sunday, June 29, 2008

Registration at Nanterre

There are two types of registration. "Inscription Administrative" and "Inscription Pédagogique." Inscription Administrative is for the university in general and Inscription Pédagogique is where you choose your classes, etc. within the law school.

Apparently there is a new online registration system for the administrative part. I'm not sure if the system is just for returning students, or also for new students. Either way, here is the info:

1/ inscriptions administratives :
La connexion sur internet est obligatoire.
Si vous passez au niveau supérieur dès la session de juin, vous devez vous inscrire, sur APOWEB ou sur pour obtenir un rendez-vous de réinscription.
Si vous devez passer la session de septembre**, vous devez attendre l’affichage des résultats (début octobre) avant de prendre votre rendez-vous de réinscription, sur APOWEB ou sur

**Students who do not pass all their classes by June can retake the necessary exams and graduate in September. Process is called "rattrapages." more on that another time.

My first stop in this process was talking with the international students office in batiment A, 1ere etage (2nd floor US). For 2008-2009, the contact for WCL students is Emilie Lepeuve (

VERY IMPORTANT: for the inscription pédagogique, you should already know what Master 1, which "parcours" you want, what electives, what classes you want to do a TD in, and whether you will be taking oral or written exams for BOTH SEMESTERS.

That means you will be making a lot of decisions about the year right at the beginning.

First thing you should do, if you haven't already, is read carefully through the M1 booklet (link on the UFR SJAP website) and pick your master 1.

A lot of us have done the Droit International & Européen. After interviewing at many law firms in Paris, I think Droit des Affaires would have been better for me in finding a firm job, but I took more interesting classes in the Droit Intl & Européen. I don't regret it, but its something to think about.

The parcours are different combinations of required and elective classes within the same M1. Some don't have different parcours, the M1 Droit International et Européen has 2.

IMPORTANT: The blocks of classes for each semester represent the grades that will be averaged together. Example: required classes are grouped together in one block. Electives can be in one or more blocks, depending on the M1 and/or the parcours.

1 comment:

A purple flower grows in the 17th said...

I think that all three of us are droit prive, because, well, first of, WCL suggests it, and second, because it seems like it encompasses droit des affaires. Do you think it'd be really a big difference?